Search pictures


Getting the list of pictures.


  • Q (Optional) - The search query
  • WidthFrom (Optional) - min width of images
  • WidthTo (Optional) - max width of images
  • HeightFrom (Optional) - min height of images
  • HeightTo (Optional) - max height of images
  • Orientation (Optional) - horizontal/vertical/all
  • EventID (Optional) - ID of picture event
  • CelebrityID - ID of picture celebrity
  • Page (Optional) - The page of results to return. If this argument is omitted, it defaults to 1.
  • PerPage (Optional) - Number of items to return per page. If this argument is omitted, it defaults to 10.
    The maximum allowed value is 50.
  • IndexDate (Optional) - date of the photo. Format yyyy-mm-dd.
  • IndexFromDate (Optional) - returning photos that were taken after that date. Format yyyy-mm-dd.
  • IndexToDate (Optional) - returning photos that were taken before that date. Format yyyy-mm-dd.
  • UploadDate (Optional) - index date of photo upload (i.e. the date that the image was added to the archive). Format yyyy-mm-dd.
  • UploadFromDate (Optional) - returning photos that were added to the website after that date). Format yyyy-mm-dd.
  • UploadToDate (Optional) - returning photos that were added to the website before that date). Format yyyy-mm-dd.
  • ChangedFromDate (Optional) - returning photos that were approved after that date. Format yyyy-mm-dd.
  • UserID (Optional) - returning photos for specific photographer id. Please contact to administrator to get list of photographers
  • Sort (Optional) - The order in which to sort returned photos. Deafults to date-taken-desc.
    The possible values are: date-taken-desc, date-taken-asc, popularity-desc, popularity-asc and relevance.

Example query

  • GET /images/search.xml?Q=image&AccessKeyId=0PN5X16HBGZHT7JJ3X82&Expires=1238598470&Signature=SF7y/ZXX8aSX5KnRjKnuOlP7S2k=
  • Host:

Example response

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> 
<result name="response" numFound="52853" pageNumber="1693" perPage="30" onPage="30" pageCount="1762"/>
    <lst name="category"> 
			<int name="id">4213278</int>
			<str name="storage_id"><![CDATA[ 1b52f53bb04e798 ]]></str>
			<str name="format"><![CDATA[ jpg ]]></str>
			<int name="width">4200</int>
			<int name="height">3000</int>
			<str name="created"><![CDATA[ 2011-12-18 19:30:38 ]]></str>
			<str name="title"><![CDATA[ Ryan Potter, Taylor Gray, Dillon Lane, Carlos Knight ]]></str>
			<str name="caption"><![CDATA[ Ryan Potters the Toy Box of Hope Charity Toy Drive at Chick-fil-a in Northridge, 
					CA 12/17/11 Photo by Scott Kirkland-Globe Photos 2011 Ryan Potter, Taylor Gray, Dillon Lane, Carlos Knight]]></str>
			<str name="celebrity_name"><![CDATA[ Taylor Gray, Dillon Lane, Ryan Potter, Carlos Knight ]]></str>
			<str name="upload_date">2011-12-18 19:30:38</str>
			<str name="index_date">2011-12-17</str>
			<str name="keywords"><![CDATA[ popular,fame,entertainment,famous,people,event,star,celebrity,talent,person ]]></str>
			<str name="url"><![CDATA[]]></str>
			<str name="thumbnails"><![CDATA[]]></str>
			<str name="preview"><![CDATA[]]></str>
			<str name="original"><![CDATA[]]></str> 
			<int name="id">4213288</int>
			<str name="storage_id"><![CDATA[ 1fd3369250047cb ]]></str>
			<str name="format"><![CDATA[ jpg ]]></str>
			<int name="width">2700</int>
			<int name="height">4200</int>
			<str name="created"><![CDATA[ 2011-12-18 19:31:12 ]]></str>
			<str name="title"><![CDATA[ Carlos Knight ]]></str>
			<str name="caption"><![CDATA[Ryan Potters the Toy Box of Hope Charity Toy Drive at Chick-fil-a in Northridge, 
								CA 12/17/11 Photo by Scott Kirkland-Globe Photos 2011 Carlos Knight]]></str>
			<str name="celebrity_name"><![CDATA[ Carlos Knight ]]></str>
			<str name="upload_date">2011-12-18 19:31:12</str>
			<str name="index_date">2011-12-17</str>
			<str name="keywords"><![CDATA[famous,event,star,popular,fame,entertainment,celebrity,person,talent,people]]></str>
			<str name="url"><![CDATA[]]></str>
			<str name="thumbnails"><![CDATA[]]></str>
			<str name="preview"><![CDATA[]]></str>
			<str name="original"><![CDATA[]]></str> 

Error codes

  1. ValueError Error validating input parameters
  2. AuthenticationError Invalid AccessKeyID or invalid SecretAccessKey or Expired out of date
  3. NoSuchPage Invalid page number