Pictures ids


Getting the list of pictures ids.


  • Page (Optional) - The page of results to return. If this argument is omitted, it defaults to 1.
  • PerPage (Optional) - Number of items to return per page. If this argument is omitted, it defaults to 10.
    The maximum allowed value is 100.

Example query

  • GET /images/ids.xml?Page=1&PerPage=20&AccessKeyId=0PN5X16HBGZHT7JJ3X82&Expires=1238598470&Signature=SF7y/ZXX8aSX5KnRjKnuOlP7S2k=
  • Host:

Example response


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> 
    <result name="response" numFound="783997" pageNumber="1" perPage="20" onPage="20" pageCount="39200" /> 
    <lst name="category"> 
        	<int name="id">806754</int> 
        	<int name="id">806753</int> 
        	<int name="id">806752</int> 
        	<int name="id">806751</int> 

Error codes

  1. ValueError Error validating input parameters
  2. AuthenticationError Invalid AccessKeyID or invalid SecretAccessKey or Expired out of date
  3. NoSuchPage Invalid page number