Uploading Celebrity Pictures

  • What information from My Account profile page can other users see?

    User name, location and image count if applicable. 

  • How can I tell how many active (approved and live) files that I have on ImageCollect?

    Your profile will automatically display how many active images you have on the site. If you go to the ORGANIZE tab, you can see the status of each file that you have submitted to us, broken down by active, pending, and awaiting approval batches. 

  • Does the site automatically extract IPTC metadata from my .jpg files?

    Yes - the site will extract and store all "IPTC" meta infomation and map them to ImageCollect's site schema.  If you input all corresponding meta information directly into the IPTC fields for each of your images before uploading, our system will extract this data for you, thereby saving you valuable time.  

  • Can you create an FTP account on your server for me so that I can just FTP in my entire portfolio?

    YES.  You can request an FTP account by clicking the “FTP Request” link on ftp settings page. Once we approve your request, we will email you the login details and you can use an FTP client to transfer your content directly to our servers for speediness and ease of upload. 

  • Can I edit the Title, Description, and Tags of my images once they have been accepted?

    YES – you can edit and amend the Titles, Descriptions, and certain other date from your Organize page.

  • How will I know when my images are approved?

    After entering your keywords, descriptions and titles to your files, submit them for approval. After submitting for approval, please contact us via email and / or via Skype at "audio.micro".  An editor will review your images asap and only if your content is disapproved will we send you a notification email. In most disapproval cases, we will provide the reason for disapproval. If your content is approved, it will go live into the ImageCollect archive immediately upon approval by our editors.

  • Can I delete a “Pending” file that’s appearing in the Pending Submission page but has not yet been submitted to your editors for review?

    YES – there is a delete button in each Pending files edit pane and if you click this icon, your Pending file will be deleted.

  • How many images can I upload in a single day?

    There is no maximum amount to the number of uploads you can submit.

  • What type of file should I upload?

    The minimum resolution is 2 megapixels but you should upload the highest resolution .JPG file available for each of your images. 

  • How do I submit images to you?

    Click the SIGN UP link found on the homepage. Fill out the registration form and agree to our terms of use.  Please be sure to fill out your profile completely including adding a profile photo or logo. Once logged in, you will be able to start uploading your images by visiting the UPLOAD tab and reading our detailed Contributor Guide.  

    PLEASE NOTE:  If you have a large portfolio of over 1,000 images contact us and we may be able to send you a hard drive and upload for you. 

  • Can I upload something that I did NOT shoot myself?

    NO – This is a violation of our terms and conditions – Do not even attempt to perform an action of this sort.
