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Kristen Stewart photos


Kristen Stewart photos


There are a large number of Hollywood actresses that are household names. There are, however, a large number of actresses who have not become household names yet, but who are quickly making their way up the ladder of fame. Kristen Stewart is one of those actresses. Stewart is probably the most well-known for her portrayal of the human teenager Bella Swan in Stephenie Meyer’s Twilight series, but the actress actually got her big break when she starred opposite Jodi Foster in the 2002 movie Panic Room.


One of the things about Kristen Stewart is that she’s become famous during the digital age, which means that there are a huge number of photos of this actress available at any one point in time.  One thing you’ll quickly see about pictures of Kristen Stewart is that she isn’t smiling in most of them. The truth is that the actress isn’t comfortable with her smile, as she’s said during a number of her interviews. t That doesn’t mean that you can’t find Kristen Stewart photos that do show her smoking, as there are a few of them floating around if you know where to find them.


Another thing you may see if you’re looking for Kristen Stewart pics is pictures of the actress smoking an illegal substance. These photos have made the rounds for a number of years, along with other photos of celebrities who have smoked the same illegal substance. So if you happen to find these types of Kristen Stewart photos, don’t be too surprised, as they’ve been circulated for a long time. You’ll also find photos of Kristen Stewart with fellow actor Robert Pattinson, as the two were an item for quite a long time during and after the filming of their movies together.
